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Sourdoughs International
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Sourdoughs International
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Sourdoughs International
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Sourdoughs International

Sourdoughs International is a family business dedicated to the resurgence of authentic sourdoughs. Authentic? Commercial yeast produces something that looks like sourdough but is completely bland and tasteless. Absolutely nothing tastes or smells anything like authentic sourdough. When you bake it with wild yeast and lactobacilli, it will taste and smell like sourdough should. There is no other way.

The Industrial Revolution created fast rising yeasts that almost eliminated sourdough and did eliminate the lactic acid bacteria. As a result breads baked with commercial yeast have never equaled the flavor, texture and aroma of man’s first leavened bread. And never will!

We arrived in the Middle East just before commercial yeast completely replaced the wild yeasts of sourdough. We searched for and found small ethnic bakeries scattered throughout the desert countries that passed their sourdough cultures from generation to generation for hundreds of years and never used commercial yeast. We brought those cultures home and formed Sourdoughs International. Between us and you, we will save authentic sourdough and maybe show commercial bakers how to bake real bread.

Great News for Canada Shoppers
If you are in Canada, we have a wonderful company selling our cultures in Canada! Means quicker shipping for you. Go to 1847 Stone Milling at 1847.ca. Melissa is a wonderful person to work with!
New Culture
We are so excited to introduce a new culture to our line. It is the Idaho culture. We believe you will love it!!!

Sourdough Culture Cheat Sheet

Revised Classic Sourdoughs – by Ed Wood and Jean Wood


SouRDough Bread

Sourdough bread can be baked in your own kitchen using our authentic sourdough cultures (starters) and the methods and sourdough recipes in our book Revised Classic Sourdoughs. Nothing tastes better than authentic sourdough bread.





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